Here’s your chance to ask questions of the AHCA staff about Rules, Codes and Standards!
Here you can ask questions regarding the requirements of the Rules, Codes, and Standards that are applied to your facilities by the AHCA Office of Plans and Construction and by the AHCA Field Office Fire Safety Section. These questions should relate to the requirements of the Florida Building Code, the FGI Guidelines, the State and CMS adopted NFPA Codes and Standards, and the State Administrative Rules and Statutes regarding health care facility design and construction.
Your questions will be forwarded to the Agency for Health Care Administration staff for review and will be answered at the FPC Seminar. Please include your email address and/or phone number so the AHCA staff can contact you if follow-up information is required for a complete answer. As questions are received, they will be made available for viewing on this website but the submitter will remain anonymous to website viewers.
All questions that are received by September 1, 2025 will be reviewed and processed by the Agency for Health Care Administration in preparation for presentation during the educational sessions. Use this form to ask your question.
Name of Code, Standard, Law or if applicable:
2018 FGI
Chapter, Section, Paragraph or Identifying location:
2.1- Technology Distribution Room (TDR)
(2) Size. All TDR's shall provide a minimum three-foot clearance on all sides of the equipment rack(s).
Add background information:
Equipment racks are available as either open free-standing, Wall mounted, or enclosed (deadfront). Equipment racks are typically ganged together in a lineup, or as single rack.
NFPA-99 ' Working Space.' says the working clearances are to meet NFPA-70 110.26(A)
1) Are Wall-mounted equipment racks still allowed for these spaces?
2) Are enclosed racks still allowed for these spaces?
3) Can single enclosed or free-standing racks be installed with one side against an outside wall, or must they be located in the center of the room?
4) Do FGI requirements override the NFPA-99 and NFPA-70 110.26(A) requirements which could allow (by special permission) reduced working clearances where the voltages are less than 30Vrms?

Past Years of Ask AHCA
For the answers to all questions submitted to ASK AHCA from 2021 to 2023, please download below.